St Joseph Affordable Homes is committed to delivering substantial and sustainable outcomes for individuals, families and communities.

St Joseph Affordable Homes utilises the Social Impact Approach as a means to work holistically to support individual, family and community wellbeing. The Social Impact Approach was developed in-house and aims to improve wellbeing across 7 domains – housing, education, safety, economics, spirituality, health and community engagement.

Supporting Women to Succeed in Construction

In the building and construction industry, approximately 2% of tradespeople are female. To address inequality and open the sector to diverse cohorts, St Joseph Affordable Homes developed a “Supporting Women to Succeed in Construction Strategy”.

This collaborative strategy is led by St Joseph Affordable Homes, in partnership with Centacare Evolve Housing and delivered through Build Up Tassie. This strategy has been instrumental in creating and maintaining a positive culture as well as improving retention rates to greatly exceed national standards.

Not only has the implementation of this strategy supported women in industry, it has positively affected other minority groups (such as Culturally and Linguistically Diverse cohorts and NDIS recipients) and has made St Joseph Affordable Homes a better place for all employees irrespective of gender.

Social Impact Statistics (July 2023 - June 2024)



Homes commenced or completed construction 2023-24



Homes built since establishment



Employed with St Joseph Affordable Homes



Apprentices/Trainees employed with St Joseph Affordable Homes



Apprentice/Trainee retention rate

Supporting EVERYONE to Succeed in Construction

Case Studies

Iris Rimmer

Iris always wanted to be an electrician, and her graduation in December 2021 to an apprenticeship has turned her dream into reality.

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